Hindley manufactures a full line of Bright Wire Hardware, Stainless Steel Hardware, Peg Hooks, Storage Hooks, Plumbing Specialties and Cotter Pins. A variety of Eyebolts, J-bolts, Screw Eyes and Hooks are offered with lag or machine screw threads.
Hindley also manufactures a complete line of U-Bolts with threads up to 1/2". These as well as Eye and Hook Turnbuckle Combinations, "S" Hooks and Cotter pins to MIL specs are stocked in Steel/Bright Zinc or Stainless Steel. Hindley products are available in shelf boxes, blister cards, Pic-Paks, Stor-Paks and in bulk packaging and can be ticketed with UPC bar codes. Hindley products can be merchandised on plan-o-gram and wire rack assortment.
Hindley's standard line of Wire Hardware products includes:
- Bolts: Eye Bolts
- Bolts: U-Bolts
- Bolts: Lag Eye Bolts & J-Bolts
- Cotter Pins
- Eyes: Screw Eyes, Storm Window Eyes
- Hand Rail Screws
- Hitching Rings
- Hooks: S-Hooks, Rope Binding Hooks, Screw Hooks, Curtain Rod Hooks
- Hooks: Parallel Hooks, Planter Hooks, Gate Hooks & Safety Gate Hooks, Cup Hooks, Shoulder Hooks, Clothesline Hooks, Hammock Hooks, Porch Swing Hooks
- Peg Hooks
- Storage Hooks
- Turnbuckles
- Rods